Sunday, October 7, 2012

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Before I got pregnant with Hailyn I knew that I wanted to breastfeed. I think a big reason was because my mom breastfed my sister and I.  I also knew there were many benefits for the baby. I didn't know the extent to how many benefits there truly were until I started doing a little research while I was pregnant. I thought I would share some of what I found out. I think it's important for moms to be informed of all the benefits before they make the decision on whether they want to breastfed or formula feed. I do believe that a mother has choice to make what ever decision they want for their baby, but I also think that a mother should be well educated on the matter before their decision is made. So here are only SOME of the great benefits of breastfeeding and some interesting facts!

*Breast milk fights diseases- Babies who are breastfed are less likely to get ear infections, diarrhea, necrotizing enterocolitis ( a disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract in preterm infants.), lower respiratory infections, asthma, obesity, type 1 & 2 diabetes, childhood leikemia, atopic dermatitis (a type of skin rash), SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and other many others. The hormones, cells, and antibodies in breast milk protect babies from illnesses. At this point NO formula can match the chemical makeup of human breast milk. 

*Breast milk is easier to digest- For most babies breast milk is easier to digest than formula, especially for premature babies.

* As your baby grows your breast milk changes- Colostrum (also known as liquid gold) is a thick yellow milk that you make during pregnancy and just after birth. It is very rich in nutrients and antibodies that protect your baby. Colostrum then changes into what is called mature milk, which typically happens around the third to fifth day after birth. The mature milk has just the right amount of fat, sugar, protein and water to help your baby continue to grow (its crazy how your body can just do this all on its own!).

*You will never have to worry about formula recalls- It happens at least once a year, it is recalled for one reason or another. With breast milk you will never have to worry about giving your baby milk that is "bad." Even when you are sick breast milk is still safe to give your baby, you're baby actually benefits from it (see fact below). Only in VERY rare cases will a mother be told her milk is no okay to feed her baby, i.e. HIV.

*Breastfed babies are less likely to develop allergies- Babies that are breastfed are less likely to allergic reactions, compared to babies who are formula fed.

* When a mother is sick, she passes on antibodies to the baby- When a mother is sick, her body produces antibodies that are present in her breast milk. These antibodies help protect the baby from getting the same illness (I found this SO interesting, it amazed me that our bodies can do this).

* Reduces the mothers risk of breast cancer- Woman who breastfeed have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, it can reduce their chances by as much as 25%. The longer a mother breast feeds, the lower her risk of breast cancer.

*Reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer

*Lessons osteoporosis- Non-breastfeeding woman have a four times greater chance of developing osteoporosis and are more likely to suffer from hip fractures in the post-menopausal years.

*Promotes emotional health- Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to suffer from postpartum anxiety and depression.

*Promotes postpartum weight loss- Mothers who breastfeed show a significantly larger reductions in hip circumference and more fat lass by one month postpartum when compared with formula-feeding moms. Breastfeeding mothers tend to have an earlier return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

* Cost less to breastfeed- The cost for formula feeding for a year is around $1,200- $2,500. Now that only covers the cost of formula. There is still the cost of bottles, sterilizer, bottle drying rack, etc. Although breastfeeding moms have other expenses, i.e. nursing bras, breast pads, breast pump, etc. It is still usually cheaper than formula feeding.

*Convenience- Breastfeeding is very convenient! You can never forget it, you always have it with you. Its always the perfect temperature for baby. No bottles to clean. No need to get up and make bottles at night.

Now these are only SOME of the benefits to breastfeeding. Below are some links I used to find some of this information. You can also google "benefits of breastfeeding" to find more information.

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